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Советы и предупреждения для путешествия Дрезден
Cultura Dresden became a city in 1206 and recently celebrated its 800th birthday in 2006.
It was home to many Saxon princes and kings, the most famous of them being August der Starke (heyyyyyyAugustus the Strong), whose kingdom included Poland as well. They apertained to the family of the Wettiner and were closely related to many other European royal families. Many buildings date from their reign and especially the rich art collections are testimony of their extreme wealth. The "Madonna Sixtina" was for instance bought by the son of August the Strong. The last Saxon king abdicated in 1918.
Shopping The main shopping district in Dresden extends from Ferdinandplatz to the west of Sankt-Petersburger Straße northwest to about Wilsdruffer Straße (search for Altmarkt). At the south end (Ferdinandplatz) is a cinema, a couple of restaurants, and a huge Karstadt department store (which also sells groceries). On the north end is a covered mall.
Restauran Within the historic center and especially around the Frauenkirche are a number of restaurants, serving many different tastes. Be aware, most of these are overpriced, and the quality is often low. On the north bank of the Elbe River is the Neustadt, which accounts for most of the trendy pubs, bars and clubs, and the majority of the restaurants in the city. You will generally have better luck finding decent food for a reasonable price north of Albertplatz in Neustadt.
Drink The Neustadt is a very popular destination, especially for younger people. It has a high number of bars and clubs, with many different styles. Especially the area around Alberplatz is filled with places to go.
The area around the Frauenkirche and Dresden Castle is very popular with tourists. Some fine restaurants are located there.
The Weiße Gasse is just around the corner of the Altmarkt near the shopping center and the historical town. Good alternative, if you do not want to go to the Neustadt.

Дрезден, Германия

Вторник 23, Апрель

Из Википедии о Дрезден

Дре́зден  — город в Германии, административный центр Саксонии, на реке Эльбе примерно в двадцати километрах от границы с Чехией. Является одним из крупнейших центров промышленности, транспорта и культуры Германии. Население 512 458 чел. (2009).

Город подразделяется на 19 округов, которые в свою очередь разделены на районы. Центр города — исторический район Альтштадт (Старый Город) — расположен на левом берегу Эльбы. Сейчас он практически полностью восстановлен после бомбардировок Второй мировой войны. На правом берегу — районы Нойштадт, Лошвиц, Пишен. Ближайшие районы на левом берегу: Котта, Блазевиц, Плауэн.

В немецкой литературе Дрезден получил название «Флоренция на Эльбе», но и за рубежом город широко известен своими памятниками архитектуры в стиле барокко, великолепными собраниями живописи и других произведений искусств. Порт на р. Эльбе Международный аэропорт
Description above from the Wikipedia, licensed under CC-BY-SA full list of contributors here.
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Германия, Дрезден