Chifte Amam - National Art Gallery

Arhiepiskop Angelarij bb, Skopje
3 оценок
+389 2 310 9566

Chifte Amam - National Art Gallery на карте


Off-Road Macedonia (17.09.2016 17:46)
In the middle of the XV century, located near Suli An was built Chifte Amam, the second largest during the Turkish time in Skopje.
Hammam is the work of Isa Bey, who is mentioned also on inscription in Isa Bey Mosque in 1531.
At the time of the great fire in Skopje at the end of the seventeenth century, the hammam has not suffered major damage. Its use lasted until 1912.
Hammam was divided in two parts with separate entrances for bathing of men and women separately, because it bears the name Cifte Bath (double bath).
Cifte Amam today is used as an art gallery and within is located part of the exhibition from the National Gallery of Macedonia.
Novak Angelovski (17.07.2016 12:33)
Сега Амамот ...се користи како мултимедијален изложбен простор на Уметничкаата Галерија на градот Скопје
Yusuf Ziya Kıymet (12.11.2015 17:59)
çifte hamam .malesef için görme fırsatım olmadı

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Македония (бывшая республика Югославии), Скопье