Gagana Lanka (Pvt) Ltd.

No. 486, Peradeniya Rd, Kandy
4 оценок
+94 81 5 702802

Gagana Lanka (Pvt) Ltd. на карте


shirley (22.11.2015 16:13)
I myself will be staying at Pranobaa Home Stay in Kandy from 9-11 Feb 2016. I would like to hire a car with driver to the following places:

10 Feb Kandy ---> Polonnaruwa and Debulagala ---> Kandy

11Feb Kandy--->Nuwera Elila (post office, mackwoods, and labookellie tea factory)

12 Feb Horton Plan (Morning) , go back to Kandy or go to Galle (afternoon)

I would like to ask :
the charge of a 3-day car service with driver (ending up the trip in Kandy.)
the charge of a 3-day car service with driver (ending up the trip in Galle.)
Which kind of car u provide for one person?
Please quote me all the charges including fuel, insurance, accomodation, food and drink for the driver...etc
Any suggestiona on hotel/hostel in Nuwera Elila?
if no car services, any one day tour you suggest?


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Шри-Ланка, Кэнди